Drama Banter

Aug 17, 2021

You Are My Spring -- Episodes 13 & 14: Despite the Actions of Others, Everybody Deserve to be Loved

For me, this was one of the most emotional episodes from all angles, be it Da Jung and her mom, Young Do, Eun Ha, and Ga Young. I love all the relationships apart and together. I completely understood Eun Ha's disappointment in Young Do and loved her for it. I genuinely appreciate Da Jung's mother and her serene nature but more her ability to admit her flaws. Favorite kdrama mom ever. Sometimes one has to experience heartbreak to appreciate love because, as they say, love is only made more valuable by the risk of heartbreak.

Of everything that happens in this episode, Da Jung's words to Young Do on what a break-up truly means touched me the most, and it's because she is spot on; breaking up with someone you love means exactly that - breaking up. Yes, Young Do still cares, but that doesn't mean he can expect things to be normal. On a separate note, I love Ga Young's drama within the drama. I hope she, too, gets the same courage she's trying to pass on to Young Do for herself and stand up for her relationship. In the end, the not so homeless guy was a hired gun by one of the twins or someone else entirely, which is still up in the air. This is the one aspect of the drama that throws me for a loop.

I am grateful that Da Jung and Young Do finally realized life is short and worth spending it with the person that makes you feel loved no matter the consequences. I adore their teenage-like love, the openness, vulnerability, support for each other, and how they throw themselves into their love; it reminded me of my teenage years. My favorite moments were Young Do screaming his love to whoever would listen; too cute. But not all relationships are as budding as Da Jung and Young Do. Some are promising, but others don't even get a chance. On a separate note, Oh Mi Kyung (Baek Hyun Joo)'s Young Do's assisting nurse's story and what Young Do did to help her touched me deeply.

I knew Ha Neul was crushing on Eun Ha but that she and Da Jung's brother would find something special together. I hope it's lasting for them. I can see why Ha Neul rejected Han Jin-Ho, but I hope he realizes he can that special connection with her too. I adore how raw Jin-Ho is; they would balance each other out beautifully if he were to give it a chance, but it's also okay if he doesn't because attraction isn't something one can force on another. On the other hand, I think Park Chul Do Eun Ha's twin brother and Part-timer Min Ah Ri (Yoon Sang Jung) would make a great couple. I love her sense of humor.

I understand Ga Young's fear of causing harm to Patrick's career but also her heart. Deep down, she still harbors this fear that she isn't worthy of love, especially from someone so young. Yes, he is young, and the dating world for an idol is brutal so, I don't blame her, but like everything else in life, love is a risk, constantly questioning what if doesn't work is a fair one, but what if it does; Patrick is willing to take a risk on her, she should too. The same applies to Eun Ha and Tae Jung; love can be such a sad and weary process because the minute one meets someone that their heart says is right, that feeling also uncovers all the hidden hurt and pain and the what if's but both Eun Ha and Ga Young need to remind themselves to be patient, set aside painful memories for better ones and tell their inner self it's going to be alright.

It always feels like I'm watching a different drama when the show pivots to Ian Chase and Choi Jung-Min's mysteries. I am glad Ian opened up to Da Jung; maybe now he can let go of some of the guilt and start to forgive and forget it's true forgiveness doesn't change the past, but it does help build a better future even though I'm still unsure who committed what and how. I just hope Ian Chase gets a chance to experience friendship, connections, and even love because everyone deserves to love and be loved in return. It's so true when they say the most incredible healing therapy is love and friendship.
