This drama is quickly becoming one of my favorites. I love how the drama beautifully balances the darkness in it with some fun moments, especially the hospice, its workers and residents. It's strange, or maybe not so strange, but rather tragic, how the moment one finds out they are dying, their desire for life takes over, and they desperately want to continue living that hard pathetic life they hate so much. It's so true when they say only when one accepts death do they finally choose life.
Knowing that death is not far away must take a huge emotional toll on any person, so I can only imagine how hard it must be for someone as young as our trio. The shock and fear of knowing their life is about to end even before it began. The guilt about being a burden, or worry about how their death will affect loved ones left behind, or the sadness of not having a loved one that cares enough. Watching all that unfold with In-Sook, Se Yeon, and Mi Do is heart wrecking. In a way, I am glad they found each other. To know they are not alone must be a huge relief.
A person's past informs their present. Surviving a murder-suicide attempt, I cannot even imagine what that must have done to Woo Cheon, the child. Without an explanation, he must've blamed himself. The traumatic effect of realizing that the parent you loved and trusted believed ending your life, his life, and the life of your mother was an act of devotion, when in reality it was his final attempt to control his uncontrollable situation. A parent who instead of protecting his loved ones wanted to end his pain, but deep down couldn't bear the notion that they might live a happy life without him.
Confronting death -- for most people, death is something that happens sometime down the line, that we forget about it, pretend it will never happen to us until we are forced to confront it, and the preciousness of time comes to the forefront. Moon Young Ji's close brush with death does exactly that, not just to In-Sook, Se Yeon, and Mi Do, but all the residents. The harsh reality of death exposes the meaninglessness of life and loneliness of death.
The best part of life, though even a timed one, is that just as you start to believe, it has forsaken you, it throws you an unexpected lifeline, and for In-Sook it desperately comes in the shape of Woo Cheon. And not just her, but Se Yeon, Mi Do, and all the residents of the hospice who dot on him. Why do I get the feeling that Woo Cheon and Detective Cho Shi Young's past are somehow connected; I just get that vibe from them. Watch episodes 3 & 4 here.