Persona: Sulli -- Netflix Documentary
Daily Dose of Sunshine -- Netflix Drama
Tell Me That You Love Me -- Drama Review
Dr. Romantic Season 2: Series Review
Taxi Driver 2: The Important Message in the Second Leg of Revenge Taxi
Divorce Attorney Shin -- Drama Review
Call It Love -- Drama Review
Island Part 2: Episodes 7 & 8: The Past Shapes the Future
Love to Hate Him -- Series Review: unexpectedly delightfully .
Voice 4: Judgment Hour -- Series Review
Sweet Home Season 1 -- Series Review
The Glory Part One -- revenge is best served cold, indeed: Series Review
Island - Episodes 3 & 4: The Priest, the Savior and the Anti-Hero
Island – Episodes 1 & 2: Lustful Demons
Big Bet - Episode 1 and 2: From Rags to Riches
The Man from Nowhere -- a 2010 Korean Movie Review
Higashino Keigo Samayou Yaiba -- Series Review
May It Please the Court -- Episodes 1 and 2 Review Only: Is Justice Really Blind
My Liberation Notes -- Episodes 10-16 (final): Life is What We Make It to Be
My Liberation Notes -- Episode 6, 7, 8, 9: Relationships are Hard
Our Blues -- Episodes 3 & 4: Never Judge a Book by It's Cover
My Liberation Notes -- Episodes 3 & 4: Free Your Mind, and The Rest Will Follow
Tomorrow -- Episodes 5 & 6: The deeper the love, the deeper the pain
Our Blues -- Episodes 1 & 2: Soul Searching: Finding Oneself
My Liberation Notes -- Episodes 1 & 2: Dead-end Life
Tomorrow -- Episodes 3 & 4: Saving Souls
Tomorrow -- Episodes 1 & 2: Suicide Is Not a Choice but a Desperate Cry For Help
Pachinko: A Limited Series -- Episodes 1 - 4: A Generational Saga
Through the Darkness -- Episodes 7-12 (Finale): Through the Darkness Comes Light
Juvenile Justice (Drama Review) -- The Effects of Juvenile Delinquency and the Role Society
Thirty-Nine -- Episode 1 & 2: Long-time Friends are Family that We Choose -- First Week Review
Love and Leashes (Movie Review) -- What is a Pervert?
Uncle -- Episodes 7 - 16 (finale): Family is Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends
Through the Darkness -- Episodes 5 & 6: Fighting Crime through the Biases
Through the Darkness -- Episode 3 & 4: Through the Darkness to the Truth
Live: A More Humane Side of Policing -- Series Review
Through the Darkness -- Episode 1 & 2: Are Serial Killers Made or Born?
The Silent Sea -- Moral Simplicity: Series Review
The One and Only -- Episodes 3 & 4: Coping with Death in all its Forms
Uncle -- Episodes 3 - 6: Family is where Life Begins and Love Never Ends
The One and Only -- Episodes 1 & 2: When You Know Death is Coming for You
Melancholia -- Episodes 11 - 16 (Finale) : Greed, & the Mathematics of Love
Uncle -- Episodes 1 & 2: When the Uncle meets the Nephew
Chimera -- Episodes 11--14: Chimera: the past and the present
The King's Affection -- Episodes 19 & 20 (Finale) No Evil Deed Goes Unpunished
Happiness -- Episodes 9-12 (Finale): There is Human in Humanity
Melancholia -- Episodes 9 & 10: Pitless Ambition
The King's Affection -- Episodes 17 & 18: Holding on To Grudges
Melancholia -- Episodes 7 & 8: Righting the Wrongs of the Past